Our Values

Homepage / Our Story / Our Values


Manifest dreams into reality

We manifest our A-Plus Company including people,  system, and product to deliver A-Plus present to all stakeholder


High standard quality in all aspects

We relentlessly pursuit high standard quality in all aspect to create the best present to all stakeholder


Responsible and compliant to all stakeholders

We are always be responsible, reliable and fair to all stakeholder


Initiating both positive and impactful change-oriented actions

We are confident and enthusiastic in sharing positive influence


Achieving the best through competency & innovation

We always look forward, anticipate, and continuously innovate


One solid synergistic Diverse Team

We and our valued partners synergize through openness & respect with empathy and pride


Kind heart from the inside out

We sincerely value honesty, strength, humbleness, and purity

Head Office

Pamapersada II Building, 3rd Floor
Rawagelam I No.9, JIEP, East Jakarta 13930 - Indonesia

T +62 21 - 2983 2091 / 2983 2093
F +62 21 - 2983 2092
E [email protected]