Homepage / News & Events / Turangga Resources Collaborates with Isuzu Astra Motor Indonesia and GS Battery to Prepare Electric Vehicles for Mining Operations
Jakarta, February 2024

Turangga Resources Collaborates with Isuzu Astra Motor Indonesia and GS Battery to Prepare Electric Vehicles for Mining Operations

Turangga Resources has formed an innovative collaboration with Isuzu Indonesia and GS Battery to prepare for the use of electric vehicles in its mining operations. This collaboration aims to integrate environmentally friendly technology into the company's operational processes to ensure environmental sustainability.

One tangible step of this partnership is the preparation for the use of the Isuzu DMax EV, a converted electric vehicle to support operational activities at Turangga Resources. These electric vehicles are expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and minimize environmental impacts.

Isuzu Astra Motor Indonesia with its expertise, brings valuable contributions to the collaboration by doing an EV conversion on Isuzu DMax a 4x4 commonly used in mining operations. Meanwhile, GS Battery also contributes by providing the knowledge in regards to battery technology.

Through this collaboration, Turangga Resources reaffirms its commitment to moving towards sustainable and environmentally friendly business practices. The use of electric vehicles in the mining environment not only strengthens the operational efficiency of the company but also makes a positive contribution to environmental conservation and sets an example for other mining industries.

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