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November 21, 2024

Turangga Resources Wins Silver Winner at OPEXCON 2024

Jakarta – Turangga Resources once again demonstrated its commitment to innovation and operational excellence by winning the Silver Winner award at the OPEXCON Conference & Award 2024. The award was accepted by the BTS 2.0 team during the grand event held at The Westin Jakarta on November 21, 2024.

OPEXCON, which has been running for 13 years, is a prestigious competition that recognizes innovators who make a tangible impact through process improvements within their organizations. This year’s theme, “The Next-Gen Operational Excellence,” focused on cultivating a new generation of leaders capable of addressing future challenges.

Throughout the selection process, 140 participants undertook a series of activities, including webinars, workshops, and a final presentation held from October 7–11, 2024. Participants were evaluated by a panel of judges based on six key criteria: project selection, methodology, problem analysis, solutions, project scale, and presentation skills.

The Silver Winner award highlights Turangga Resources' success in integrating innovation and efficiency into its operations. This achievement serves as an inspiration for other companies to continue innovating while reinforcing Turangga Resources' position as a leading industry player focused on operational excellence.

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